Hilarynak mr elg sok knyve megjelent az llamokban, de arrl nem tudok, hogy ezeket mshol be lehet-e szerezni....De az Amazon.com-on meglehet ket rendelni, br hogy mennyirt, nemtudom..:-)
Hilary Duff - Metamorphosis

Hilary Rocks: On Stage, Screen, and In Between, Hilary Duff is Living a Fairy Tale Life!

Hilary Duff : A Not-So-Typical Teen (Young Profiles (Paperback))

Hangin' With Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff: All Access

Hilary Duff: Actress And Singer (Robbie Readers)

Hilary Duff: Total Hilary, Metamorphosis, Lizzie McGuire and More! (Lizzie McGuire)

Hilary Duff: Style, Fashion, Guys, & More

Lizzie McGuire knyvek:

![Lizzie McGuire: My Second Way Cool Boxed Set! : Junior Novel (Lizzie Mcguire) [BOX SET] (Lizzie Mcguire)](http://images.amazon.com/images/P/078684678X.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg)

Vagy 102 db. Lizzie-knyv van, de nincsen trelmem felrakni mindent!:-)